Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School!

It sure seems like they are growing up fast...and the weeks are turning into years!  This morning was the first day of school and traditionally we take a photo of the kids on the front steps.  It has changed a bit, the look from  house to house but the tradition on the stairs is the same.
I dont want to miss out on a thing!  Digital is the way for me to get it done...quick and right to the point.  I love being able to pick a theme and go for it...and in five minutes my memory is beautiful.

So, how did I do this?

1. I used Memory Manager to edit a bit, just brightening and sharpening which quick fix ( two auto buttons any non-tecki could use.) I saved the photos, and sent it to Storybook Creator into my open project.

2. I put the photos onto a predesigned page by right clicking on each photo and selecting " fill this selected element ( frame) with this photo.

3. I typed the text in the pre-designed text boxes, and chose different fonts from the standard ones used.  Then I selected heavy shadow on the words to help them " pop".
You can do it too! 

Remember, Tecki Tuesday is always free and it's tonight and from 7-10pm at Scrappin-n-Chattin . Get all the training you need to make amazing projects.  The time is now, before those years slip by you.  It is fast, it is fun, and it is easy.  Hey, if I can learn it anyone can!
1. Have your camera ready to go...and easy to find.  Traditions are a fun way to celebrate regularly.

2. Take lots of pictures...more than you need! Digital is wonderful for this as there is not cost added to have lots of pictures to choose from.

3. Capture the moments...just do it. You will have more fun looking back on these memories.

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