Saturday, February 13, 2010

Memory Manager does it again!

I am SO excited to share my favorite photo of the day with you.  This morning I took off and snapped almost 500 photos of the beautiful frost.  Last night while driving to my friend Bridgets house for some fun with CM digital, the fog rolled in BIG TIME!  When I left her home about midnight, I could see all the frost on the trees by moonlight.  This morning it blew me away with the beauty of God all over the place!
I was using Picasa, a free web program that I downloaded a long time ago.  Yesterday I loaded my brand new Memory Manager program and this mornings photos were my first try with the easy editing.  WOW!
Here is where you can get the program, and get started just like me:)

You can download it and get started tonight, and I will be here to help!
  Let me know what you think of my photo.  I want to hear from you.  And share your fave photos too!


Christine Pennington said...

What a beautiful photo. You have a giftgirl!

SuseADoodle said...

Beautiful photo!
I woke up too late that day to really get any good shots out here but it was awestruck by the thick layer of prickly frost still clinging to the north side of trees and bushes at noon and even later in the day. WOW!
Quick question (I'll email it to you too) -- does Memory Manager make another copy of the photo or is it tracking existing locations (like Picassa does)?
Thanks for sharing this gorgeous photo and making me think I might finally "NEED" to purchase Memory manager to go along with the StoryBook Creator Plus :-)

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