Ok, here they are. I promised you a debut of my new project and here it is!!!
I am SO excited to share what I have been working on for the past 6 weeks. I know with the tough economy it is even harder to generate business, and I have heard from many consultants in many direct sales companies looking for a fresh way to share their businesses on an everyday basis. I love promoting TAC, and for me that includes wearing logowear, pins, bag tags and more in the places I frequent. This idea was the next step for me to promote my business and here it is for you now as well.
I have created a unique window tote bag for showing my TAC/The Angel Company Serendipity Magalogue. The bag features a clear vinyl window and fabric selected by me to really draw attention to your Serendipity cover! In carrying this bag, you are showing your business to all without saying a word! People are naturally curious, and will notice your bag thus bringing awareness to your business as well. I have had a GREAT response to the bag when walking through Michaels, JoAnns, and just in the grocery store too!
I have the details listed on my Picasa Web Album for you to see, just by clicking the link here TOTE BAGS
Oh, and for those of you coming to the Madison Mingle I will be there. If you order today or tomorrow I will do my best to have those with me depending on fabric styles and colors. There will be no shipping for all orders delivered at the Mingle, and any bags ordered at the Mingle if I run out.
Bags are just $19.95 each plus shipping. No matter what your business: TAC, Tupperware, Avon, CM, this bag will help you share YOUR business everyday!
Annette, these are darling! What a great idea. I love the striped fabric.
Hi Annette,
These totes look so great! I love the striped fabric.
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