Monday, June 7, 2010

You can do what with SBC3?

Our daughter Maddie is a summer baby.  That means that her friends from school are hard to get ahold of after the last day, so we always hand out her birthday invites about 6 weeks early.  Since this week school will end for the summer, it was time tonight to whip out some fast invites for her party.  I made them at 7:15, uploaded them to Walgreens and picked them up in about half an hour...what could be easier?

The best part?  THEY LOOK SUPER!  Storybook Creator is fantastic for making all of your promotional products, invites, photos, scrap pages and more.  Photo gifts are a snap when you design through SBC3. 

Believe me, its easy when all you have to do is drop and drag.  And remember that each week we have Techie Tuesday which is free, so you can learn more and enjoy it more!  Just come and try will make these little chores so much more fun! 

Shop for Creative Memories products including Digital Storybook Creator HERE

Find out about Scrappin-n-Chattin HERE and bring your laptop each Tuesday from 7-10pm

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