Friday, June 18, 2010

My why

I thought it was time I shared a bit about why I have made such a big decision in joining Creative Memories. Many times there is a reason behind a big change in a persons life and this is no different. Please take the time to read my post as I am speaking from the heart. You are the reason that I am now a consultant with CM.

For many years I had been in direct sales, as a consultant with another company. I truly loved what I did, the friends that became like family and the success that I worked hard for. Like any career, I spent a lot of time connecting with people, influencing who I could and sharing creativity. During this time, I shared with many people what I was doing and heard some friends and family tell me they loved what I did but it was not for them. That is ok, as it was not a good fit for everyone.

Over the last ten years, my husband David and all of the men from my fathers side of the family would travel to the UP of Michigan to a cabin called Camp Shakey. These guys connected, spent time talking and laughing...really, they did some amazing hard work along with bonding. It was fantastic and they enjoyed it, no matter who could come each Fall.

Last year, we lost my dear Uncle Al after a courageous battle with cancer. Oh my gosh, that smile he had. It breaks my heart that he is gone now...he was always very special to me. Following the loss of Uncle Al, one of the familes got together the photos taken over the years at Camp Shakey. These photos were even more precious, knowing that Al would not be in any future ones taken. The family put all of the photos into a computer software program and created a storybook. The idea was to collect the memories, and create a storybook to share with all of the families.

Well, without knowing that they did this our family received a storybook of its own. My Mother was looking through it and was truly touched by the idea of Uncle AL and the entire Camp Shakey Gang looking back at her. Words were added to create a unique storybook, and following her reaction I decided what I must do.

Last Christmas, my Mother ordered another storybook for each of our families to enjoy. The memories can be enjoyed by all, kids and adults alike.

January of this year, I took the actions necessary to  join Creative Memories so that I could help others experience what my family had. There are so many stories to share, and those that will tell them could be gone before you know it. With the digital age, these books are amazingly simple to create. With the digital age as well comes the Jpeg baby. Photos are not developed like they used to be, as we can see the results instantly now through computers and viewing screens on our cameras/phones. I do have to say, please...keep printing your photos! And start to write down your memories for all to enjoy. Sharing printed images makes the heart smile.

Its not too late to gather some photos and take that next step. Everyone either has some photos, or takes photos...Honor someone in your life that you have lost, make a storybook of a reunion or special event, or just plain celebrate everyday life. You can do it and I can help...I want to help. Thats why I became a be here and help you share YOUR stories. They are just waiting to be told. Who will tell them?

Hugs to you,


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