Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rubber Stamp and Scrapbook Expo today

GOOD TIMES!  Today the Rubber Stamp and Scrapbook Expo is at the State Fairgrounds again and I am headed over to see whats new.  My new teammates in Creative Memories are having a booth and my old teammates with The Angel Company have one too.  I am really excited to see what they are sharing...
This fun full page photo is an option in the CM Storybook Creator 3 software.  I like how you can write over your photo page!  Let me show you you have photos and memories?  Put them all together and really enjoy them.  This special page is from a retreat to San Antonio with my friends two years ago and the memories make me smile each time I look back on them.  What a trip!

1 comment:

Bridgett Owens said...

That is a really fun option: writing on your photos! I just got back into scrapbooking again after being away from it for a while. I have missed it so much and excited about getting so much accomplished in a short time already!

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