Friday, January 8, 2010

Its hard to believe, but totally true

Hello friends!

 I have received TONS of emails, phone calls and texts and yes, the rumors are true.  I resigned as a Director with The Angel Company this week.  I want to make sure that the story is straight, and will do so here on my creative blog which I will continue as long as there are readers interested in my life and crafty projects!

Yes, I did resign.  After nearly 9 years with TAC, I felt it was time for me to move on.  I have to say that my time with TAC helped me discover my potential and the friends that I have made are priceless.  Personal growth, and more fun that you can imagine came from those relationships that I was blessed to find through TAC.  I am grateful for that.  The opportunities that I had as a Director were amazing. From being invited to speak at corporate events, to having the privelege of having my creations featured in catalogues, on websites and magazines, these are memories that encouraged me and taught at the same time. 

The Angel Company will always have a special place in my heart, and my team THE ANGELETTES will remain with me forever as a group of the most wonderful, creative people I have ever met.  I am still here, just not with the company anymore, and there are no regrets.  I am a better person for the time I shared with you all and with TAC.  That is definite!

Now...what I plan to do now?  I am in college full time for Internet Marketing, which is a passion of mine.  Along with that, I still have a husband and 6 great kiddies to be influencing, guiding and enjoying everyday.  As for my creativity, my decision also included the move to Creative Memories.  This was a very heavily weighed  and I now again have the ability to inspire, grow and teach.  THAT is a blessing!  My new path will lead me to new opportunities, and give me the chance to spread my wings again as well.  The spirit of being an Angel is still with me, and does not change if I am creating with a different company.  My dreams are to build a team of consultants with Creative Memories that will love and encourage eachother just as my TAC team  of Angelettes did.  My goals are to reach the top with CM and enjoy the journey all over again.  I am excited and hope that each of you can see that this is not changing that fact that I love to create and share.

I hope that sharing my story here helps you understand my new direction.  Please email or leave comments as I surely would love to hear from YOU TOO! 

Many blessings for a wonderful 2010.  A new year, with new direction and new opportunities!


While driving yesterday after posting this, I asked God for something relavant to be the next song on the is what he sent to me.  Listen to this


Jen Carter said...

I just wanted to wish you the best in your new adventure! Glad that you'll be doing what you love again!

Kimi said...

I LOVE that you stated that you are on your way to the top with CM! What an AWESOME statement! You go girl. I have no doubt that you will also shine in this new direction that you've chosen for your life. Go and be a blessing to a whole new team of creative people, and don't forget to let us know how you are doing. I hope to still see you at future TAC events! Love ya!

Sharon said...

Annette, all the best. Follow your dreams girlie 'cuz we only pass through this life once. Now your circle of friendships will grow even wider . . . a win/win situation. Blessings to you, Sharon D. NJ

Rho's place said...

You are such a wonderful person and I will miss being an Angel with you. But like all good things, it what you do with it that matters. I am so happy you are in school doing what you want to do. That is the most important thing. I hope you will continue your blog so I won't lose touch with you. I wish for you happiness in all you do!
Friends always,
Angel 773
San Antonio Texas

Bridgett Owens said...

I am so happy for you! That song really sums it up, doesn't it? You go girl!! You will soar to the top at CM I am sure! I love CM!! Thank you for sharing your decision here on your blog. I think it is wonderful for you to explore your options and I wish you success and prosperity in this new year!
Angel Hugs,

Cheri said...

I'm shocked that you retired from TAC, but I know you'll do great with CM and school. Good luck! Hugs!

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