Friday, April 6, 2007


Today is a great day! Its so early and you know when you get a ton done early, the day seems longer? Well I am off to a great start. If you are dragging, pick yourself up and smile. why? Its hard to be crabby when you are smiling...

My kiddies are home for spring break. This is the end of the week, but I just found out that they get another day on Monday. I think because of I have four more days of arguing, so I am hitting the stamproom early this morning. they are sleeping, which means not fighting yet. YAY FOR ME TIME!~

I have a few fun creations I want to finish this morning, and will post some pics when I wrap up. First though? Here is a cute pic to share. I cant wait to scrap oldest two daughters had the formal dance a couple weeks ago and just TRY to get a good pic of them together. they look amazing!

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